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[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”transparent” up=”27″ up_style=”px” down=”0″ down_style=”px”][vc_column_text]Southport Spiritualist Church is a thriving and friendly community and you are invited to come along and see for yourself, you will be made most welcome.


We are registered and fully licensed to conduct Naming Ceremonies, Marriages (including same-sex), Funerals and Memorial Services. For more details on these services please contact the President of the church via the Contacts page.


Committee Members and Officers of the church are all easily identifiable by their yellow lanyards and name badges. They will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


You will find information regarding our weekly services, monthly Health and Wellbeing Clinic, Weekly Open Door and Healing Sanctuary, classes and workshops and much more within the pages of this website. We have much to offer so please, browse the information offered and feel free to use the contacts page should you wish to enquire further, or indeed come along and speak to one of our friendly officers.


Our recently refurbished Schoolroom is also available to hire for functions. To enquire about this facility please contacts the President via the Contacts page on this site.


Southport Spiritualist Church is proud to be fully wheelchair accessible with disabled toileting facilities. There is also a hearing loop available within the church for those who are hearing impaired.

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